5 rich countries in the world

5 rich countries in the world

5 rich countries in the world

To have a fortune, of course, someone must find a job that has similar pay. Because the discussion is about the country, a country must have smart people. With smart people, you can make your business venture more advanced. From various efforts later you can become a more successful person. Some of the richest countries in the world are


Japan is very famous as a developed country so its economy is very good. Has well-known manufacturing industries such as automotive, machinery, and electronics. The financial sector system is constantly evolving.


India is famous for its film industry. It turns out that India is the second richest country because there are various kinds of service sectors. The field of business services, information technology, and software is a very large business. But India’s agricultural sector also plays an important role in the country’s economic problems. Fernandovonarb

United States of America

What makes the United States the richest country is gross domestic product. There are several fast-growing industries in the country such as energy, finance, technology, and manufacturing.

improve the economic system//develop


what China has done to achieve a good economy is investment, domestic consumption, and exports. A very global production, of course, many people already know. Not only that, but the country’s foreign exchange is also large.

The economic strength of the German state is in machinery, medical technology, and automotive. German countries often do global exports. For this reason, products from Germany exist in any country, including Indonesia itself.